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personal selling中文是什么意思

用"personal selling"造句"personal selling"怎么读"personal selling" in a sentence


  • 亲自销售
  • 人员推销
  • 人员销售;个人销售


  • Understand the personal selling process , and how to distinguish between transaction - oriented marketing and relationship marketing
  • Tools that are commonly used for promotion are advertising , sales promotion , personal selling , public relations , publicity , etc
  • Promotion : promotion is used to support marketing efforts : paid advertising , personal selling , public relations , and supplemental efforts
  • As life insurance is a highly complex and highly intangible service , the relationship - based personal selling approach is often considered one of the most important tools in the life insurance business
  • Target customers - consumer products aimed at mass markets rely mainly on advertising , whereas business or industrial products ( with a narrower target market ) usually rely more on personal selling
  • Coordinate all methods of maintaining and increasing business volume . this includes advertising , sales promotion , personal selling , publicity , community relations , special sales projects , etc
  • In this chapter we take a broad view of communications and include not just the traditional promotional mix of personal selling , advertising , sponsorship , sales and public relations but also other methods of communications which have the objective of developing better and more personalised relationships with global customers , such as direct marketing , and the use of the internet
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